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Urban Rescue Ranch Movie (sigma edition) *Waco Wildlife Rescue*

This is a documentary video made by Matthew Ruggieri about our wildlife rescue filmed back in fall of last year!

I thought this would be a great introduction to our new channel where we will focus more on the actual wildlife rescue side of things that typically don’t do super well on YouTube!

Love you guys and looking forward to hearing what you think!

Uncle Farmer Dad Ben 👨🏻‍🌾🤝

Here is our donation link if you feel compelled to support our cause (501c3 tax deductible):


Matthews youtube is here if you want to see!


#urbanrescueranch #bigounce #wildliferehab




44 thoughts on “Urban Rescue Ranch Movie (sigma edition) *Waco Wildlife Rescue*”

  1. I’m so proud of you Uncle Ben. You have come so far and brought so much happiness to those animals, and us. Thank you for everything you’ve done. Ive been supporting you for 2 years and I’ll never stop❤️

  2. It’s so crazy to see how far the ranch has come, from being a run down crack house to a fully operational animal rehabilitation center. He truly made the crack house into a crack home 😌
    Seriously tho your faith and trust in God is so inspirational. The Urban Rescue Ranch is in my prayers. We love you uncle Ben!!!

  3. I love both sides the serious and hilarious! Yes, I believe our truest purpose is as custodians and caretakers of this place even with high technology. Just need to make it more responsible and considerate. Wanted to put down in Pecos, TX with some other Truckers once upon a time but I was called back to Cali. We have many amazing rehab centers near us like Raptor Rescue, Curioddity and the Oaktown Zoo. Keeps my child in awe and wonder.

  4. I’ve been watching your youtube since before you bought the property in Waco. I’ll support this rescue for the rest of my life. You do amazing work UncleFarmerDad Ben

  5. its amazing to see how much everything has grown uncle ben. I remember you moving to the crack house and turning it into a crack home to now it being a facility that has soo many animals you have saved in just 1 year of it being open. I love the entertainment value you have and im happy to see the animals get released and live fulfilling lives because of the care you provided them. I hope that one day i can have an impact like you in the world even if its just .01% of an impact. Thanks Sir bens a lot for being a good human.

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