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Learn Morse Code #engineering #science #radio #comedy #chrisboden #broadcast #arrl #nerd #fun

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48 thoughts on “Learn Morse Code #engineering #science #radio #comedy #chrisboden #broadcast #arrl #nerd #fun”

  1. I didn't know you are a ham!! I absolutely nerd out to all your videos and always want to "see something cool!" Yet another reason to like your videos!

    de WR4Y, 73

  2. I’m so glad I stumbled onto on your account a couple months ago. Always teaching me new stuff and reinforcing stuff I believed to be true. As a Cadet at a Maritime Academy. You have expanded my knowledge on power plants and while I have toured multiple plants hydroelectric, natural gas turbine, and nuclear plants. And while I originally studied Civil engineering then went to geo spatial I think I’m going to finish with mechanical and marine engineering but as long as I keep my horizons open when I’m done on boats I can definitely find somewhere to go

  3. I've been feeling a little self conscience about being a "jack of all trades, master of none" type lately and this short made me feel better. I wrote the insect/toolbox quote down to remember it.

  4. Lockpicking is surprisingly useful in building maintenance. The number of locksmith bills and/or needlessly destroyed locks I've saved my company should probably qualify me for a raise, and that relief on people's faces when you fix their mistake and get them back onto their day is just awesome.

  5. Absolutely! I remember being 18 or 19 driving home one night with my ham radio listening to dead silence then I hear someone call out their callsign "this is "callsign" on the international space station, anybody awake? I can see lights, I know somebody's awake" I was floored! I pulled over and had a brief but very exciting conversation. Really fun hobby.

  6. You can't be, "ON the spectrum", a spectrum is a histogram (bar chart); the bars are traits and you only get the badge of the AREA of the bars exceeds 'normal'.
    It's not a line or curve, it's not along the rainbow, it's how bright the rainbow is! And some might be more yellow and others more red.

  7. Love the video man and to comment I've been a ham radio operator for 30 years now and I know Morse code quite well. And by the way the radio you quickly flash there if that's a UV 380 I have the exact same one. 🙂🙂73

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