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This dude grows on me with every video. Seems like a really genuine guy
I didn't know you are a ham!! I absolutely nerd out to all your videos and always want to "see something cool!" Yet another reason to like your videos!
de WR4Y, 73
You've convinced me, now I'm getting a covert companion
I went with my grandpa's friend to sell computers at a ham radio convention it was absurdly nice
.-/-./-.. -/…./.-/-/… .- -./.-././-/-/-.- – -.-./- – -/- – -/ .-..
Turno nerd engineer science gangster
I love Ham Radio!
As a ham radio operator. Thank you for talking about our dying hobby
I can ask for help in Morris and ask where the bathroom is
I've been doing Morse code for the better part of 4 years. When I was in high school, I used to help people cheat using morris code. I can now
"type" 40 words per minute in Morse code.
I’m so glad I stumbled onto on your account a couple months ago. Always teaching me new stuff and reinforcing stuff I believed to be true. As a Cadet at a Maritime Academy. You have expanded my knowledge on power plants and while I have toured multiple plants hydroelectric, natural gas turbine, and nuclear plants. And while I originally studied Civil engineering then went to geo spatial I think I’m going to finish with mechanical and marine engineering but as long as I keep my horizons open when I’m done on boats I can definitely find somewhere to go
Ok, dude, you need to do a video with vsauce
XXX _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . .
Fuck I feel called out bags of hobbies and med stuff stares back noooo I’m not learning Morse code
“ specialization is for insects” is my new favorite quote
I've been feeling a little self conscience about being a "jack of all trades, master of none" type lately and this short made me feel better. I wrote the insect/toolbox quote down to remember it.
Lockpicking is surprisingly useful in building maintenance. The number of locksmith bills and/or needlessly destroyed locks I've saved my company should probably qualify me for a raise, and that relief on people's faces when you fix their mistake and get them back onto their day is just awesome.
My dad is HAM certified. He even has a special license plate
… — …
I've slowly realized I've really enjoyed picking up different hobbies and trying a little of everything
Or number stations
Being a ham for 15 years and all I remember is …—-…
“Do what you can, where you are, with what you have” – Teddy Roosevelt
It cut to your hands waving around and I had literally no idea what was going on till you mentioned magic and the coin showed up.
I thought you were doing something because you said kink
You’re my favorite gangster
Are you infrared or ultraviolet?
Specialization is for insects … I see you are channeling your inner Robert Heinlein.
"Ham radio…isnt that like CB?"
Only in one or two small ways, otherwise it's a different universe
I didn't realize there was a magic trick going on with the hands, I was just paying attention to the background
Hey man love your videos we will be doing a giveaway when we hit 1000 subs we are 103 away prized for our giveaway are Lock Picks!!
I can cite this video defensively
Except the part with the "others"
First that starts with a Baofeng. Next, you're building a directional antenna out of coat hangers to bounce a signal off the ISS. Ham radio is such a cool hobby.
I’m dangerous in a happy way
As a radio amateur licenced for 40 years, I now realise that I must learn lock-picking
Robert Heinlein quote is a nice touch.
Absolutely! I remember being 18 or 19 driving home one night with my ham radio listening to dead silence then I hear someone call out their callsign "this is "callsign" on the international space station, anybody awake? I can see lights, I know somebody's awake" I was floored! I pulled over and had a brief but very exciting conversation. Really fun hobby.
A jack of all trades is a master of none, is always better than the master of one. This is the original idea.
You can't be, "ON the spectrum", a spectrum is a histogram (bar chart); the bars are traits and you only get the badge of the AREA of the bars exceeds 'normal'.
It's not a line or curve, it's not along the rainbow, it's how bright the rainbow is! And some might be more yellow and others more red.
I hate that I love these videos so much, I can't share them with my coworkers because they don't share the tism haha
Earth Moon Earth is something cool.. not easy to do either.. i wondered if you were a ham.
Ooh, I haven't heard someone quote Heinlein in awhile.
Man i love your vids.
Love the video man and to comment I've been a ham radio operator for 30 years now and I know Morse code quite well. And by the way the radio you quickly flash there if that's a UV 380 I have the exact same one. 73
Clerk: Please state your name sir
Chris: Turbo Nerd Engineer Science Gangster…. Senior