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43 thoughts on “When Dana White fired Mike Jackson for winning !”

  1. Lol he was worried he would give his opponent brain damage.. it's mma not boxing, people can tap out and the refs stop the fight if it ever get close to being dangerous unlike boxing where one can get knocked out and still be given a 10 count to continue fighting..

  2. If he was serious about not giving him brain damage he wouldve just ended the fight via submission. I mean i dont disagree with the guy just he had an option with the skill gap being so great he couldve just submitted the guy and shouldve but playing around and disrespecting the sport and the opponent idk if that was the way to go. But good on him for not beating brain dmg into the guy.

  3. Dana was pissed off because he didn't just finish him, and he could have at any point of the fight. If he just finished the fight immediately, he would have a career right now. It had literally NOTHING to do with how much damage he did to Punk.

  4. Putting these two in the cage instead of a great fighters who are animals and showing their talents in DWCS and dont acceptin them because their finishes werent as much “entertaining” THAT IS GOOFBALL

  5. Dana just ousted himself as an AEW fanboy. He just wanted to hurt this man for his own entertainment. Time has shown the people stand with the bigger man in this situation. Not the money grubbing one. I respect Dana though because he's a great example of what of America is supposed to be. You can have notbing and become something if you got a good idea. In the end, the only one who got hurt was the man with money to burn, which I'm sure Dana would deny that but that's his god given right. It all ended well for the most part

  6. Nobody asked you to give him severe brain damage. They asked you to go out and have a real fight. Clearly there are levels to this, and you were clearly levels above him, but instead of putting on a Clinic and showing off your skills, you did dumb shit like tickle him, and pretended like you were wrestling your little brother and you didn’t finish him. You didn’t have to give him brain damage by tapping them out. You made a bad decision with the biggest opportunity of your life and I’m not sure if you’ve ever come out and just said that, but you really should.

  7. Meanwhile, dana never realized punk had no business in there and this fit was telling him that.
    Dana white is the biggest clown in all of sport.
    And ufc fans are by far the most low iq fan base in all of sports.

  8. That dude is like a naseem hamed of UFC, he wouldve been a super star; a true showman, he would’ve done some funny stuff and made people laugh like naseem hamed did, Dana truly missed on an artist in the making, an icon and a legend

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