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39 thoughts on “Why it is important to respect the person you are sparring #ufc”

  1. I’ve always thought that Strickland was a basket case. He freaks out on people if they’re not “man enough.” Meanwhile any man who is secure in themselves could give a fuck less how manly other guys are. He’s a weird dude

  2. Strickland just showing people there’s levels, he’s also backing up some of the crazy statements he makes… like when he challenged seals to show up to train with him. He did say he’d break them

  3. Using the Orlando clip as ammo is fucking CRAZY. It shows how shallow yall actually look and how short term your memory is. Real mfs know the circumstances and know exactly why they were even sparring in the first place. Orlando wasn't his sparring or training partner, was known for pulling BS like this, and was specifically trying to injure him bc Sean called him out for going too hard on inexperienced fighters in the gym they both were in at the time. Izzy is highkey a fucking bitch for this. RIP Orlando either way.

  4. Man, it’s crazy to think about how sparring is like a dance, you gotta respect your partner in it💃. Izzy really nailed it this time! All about that balance of skill and respect for sure. I wonder if that impression became part of the training routine now? 😂👊

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